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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Image Quantization and Reducing Gray levels using OpenCV in python

What is Quantisation?

Quantization is basically mapping values from a large set to a smaller set. Image quantization is performed by every imaging device since intensity values captured are continuous signal but for storing it we need to perform discretization and Image quantization is used to achieve this.

Quantization Example

In the figure above the signal will be quantized into 4 different values. These values are known as gray levels. Gray level for practical purposes is chosen as a power of 2 which is,

Reducing Gray Levels

We may need to reduce gray levels for various reasons like for storing and displaying images by devices that support a limited number of colors we can not use the larger set of colors and they need to be mapped to a smaller set.

Now, how to reduce gray levels?

Considering that an image has 256 level by default (this is the actual default value in many cases)
We can reduce the gray level using this simple formula-
where I= pixel value and floor function rounds the value to the nearest smallest integer.
k is calculated as 

Python Code

import cv2 
import numpy as np
def reduceGrayLevels(image,reduce_to=256):
return image2
reduce_to=input("Enter the power to which intensity values will be reduced to...")


Defalut Image
Orginal Image

Result Of Reducing Gray Levels
Result Of Reducing Gray Levels

Image Quantization and Reducing Gray levels using OpenCV in python

What is Quantisation? Quantization is basically mapping values from a large set to a smaller set. Image quantization is performed by every i...